Crispy Tempeh Tacos
Tempeh Ingredients
1 small onion, diced finely
1 tbsp oil
1 package of soy Tempea, crumbled
1 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp chili powder
Chipotle or cayenne powder, to taste
Salt and pepper, to taste
Other Ingredients
Hard taco shells
Your favourite taco toppings (ex. salsa, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, sour cream, avocado, etc.)
Pan fry the onion and oil over medium heat until the onions begin to brown.
Add the crumbled tempeh and spices to the pan and cook for 5-10 minuted, or until it begins to brown.
While the tempeh crumbles cook, prep your favourite taco toppings.
Once the tempeh is cooked, assemble your tacos and enjoy!